
Mastering a international language is without doubt one of the finest issues that may occur to you in life. That’s, till it’s important to checklist these language expertise in your resume. As a result of what might look like a simple concern at first can shortly develop into fairly sophisticated. 

In reality, it’s sufficient to make one’s head spin. In my case, it appeared a bit like this:

“What are the degrees of language proficiency? Wow! Why are there so many language proficiency scales? And what the heck is ACTFL, ILR and CEFR? Okay, clearly I can’t describe my language expertise in phrases. I’m going to make use of a star score as an alternative! What do you imply that ATS can’t learn it? I hand over.”

Anyway, should you’re searching for a easy reply, you’ll find it within the subsequent a part of this text. Finally, you don’t have to know each nerdy element about language proficiency scales to supply a rock solid resume.

However should you’re prepared to dig deeper, put together for a extremely exhaustive reply that can clarify all of the abbreviations talked about above! 🤓

This information consists of:

  • Potential ranges of language proficiency;
  • The best way to checklist language expertise on resume;
  • The best way to put bilingual on resume; 
  • LinkedIn language ranges;
  • Examples of language expertise on resume.

How to list language skills on resume

The best way to checklist language expertise on a resume

  1. Create a separate subsection on your language expertise below your resume’s skills section.
  2. Get them organized by relevancy. Begin with the language that’s most related for the job you need. Don’t embrace any languages by which you’re not proficient, or any languages that you simply’re solely starting to study. 
  3. Comply with a single language proficiency scale. Listing all languages utilizing one of many language proficiency scales described beneath (CEFR, ILR, or ACTFL). Choose the one {that a} potential employer is most acquainted with and follow it.
  4. Use phrases, not charts. Use phrases to explain your ranges of language proficiency, not charts or icons. This may assist your resume get rating extra factors with ATSs (applicant monitoring techniques that giant firms use to scan candidates).
  5. Embody certifications. If you happen to took an examination and obtained a language certificates, embrace it within the certifications part of your resume. It offers a stronger backing 

By following these easy steps you make sure that the language expertise in your resume don’t go unnoticed (they’ve obtained their very own subsection), your strongest talent will get the eye it deserves (it sits on the prime), and also you don’t confuse the employer by developing with your personal unfamiliar names for the degrees of language proficiency. 

What are the degrees of language proficiency?

Welcome to probably the most complicated a part of this text! Why complicated, you ask? As a result of there are a number of language proficiency scales (in fact there are). What’s extra, every of them makes use of completely different letters and numbers to explain the identical factor.

Thankfully, you solely must learn about three of them: IRL, ACTFL, and CEFR. 

Additionally, if all of this sounds intimidating, don’t fear an excessive amount of. Keep in mind, your important precedence is to create a resume that clearly communicates your means to make use of a number of languages professionally. So long as you reach that, every little thing’s going to be all proper, all proper, all proper.

Okay, then. Let’s check out these completely different ranges of language fluency.

Levels of language proficiency on a resume

1. ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable)

The Interagency Language Roundtable scale is the usual grading scale for language proficiency developed by the US’ federal-level service. 

Due to that, it’s mostly used within the USA, or extra particularly, when making use of for US authorities jobs. 

And that’s most likely every little thing that must be mentioned about this scale. The remaining you need to be capable of perceive from the useful comparability desk above.

The ILR scale grades folks’s language expertise on a scale of 0–5 (5 being Native). Along with that, it makes use of 0+, 1+, 2+, and 4+ to handle these conditions when an individual’s language proficiency exceeds one talent degree however doesn’t meet the factors for the following degree but. 

The ILR scale corresponds to the language ranges used on LinkedIn.

2. ACTFL (American Council on the Instructing of International Languages)

The ACTFL scale was developed from the ILR scale but it surely’s extra granular with 11 grades of language proficiency as an alternative of 6. In response to the ACTFL website, it’s “meant for use for world evaluation in educational and office settings.”

In comparison with the ILR, it may be rather a lot simpler to know even for individuals who couldn’t care much less about language proficiency grades. Which of the next is simpler to decipher? “French: 4+ (ILR)” or “French: Superior Excessive (ACTFL)”.

3. CEFR (Frequent European Framework of Reference for Languages)

In Europe, we use the CEFR. This language proficiency scale isn’t derived from both of the American scales talked about above, which is why it may be tougher to transform grades from one into the opposite (that’s formally). 

This scale is universally understood in Europe and virtually each European employer will know precisely what you imply by, for instance, B2 Spanish. 

4. LinkedIn language expertise ranges

LinkedIn makes use of the ILR language proficiency scale however as an alternative of utilizing numbers, they got here up with their very own wording for the person ranks. Due to that, you might need to decide your IRL language talent degree earlier than including it to LinkedIn. 

Which language proficiency scale do you have to use in your resume?

All the time use the one which your future employer is most acquainted with. However how are you aware which one is it? 

As often, begin with the job commercial and search for the phrases they use to explain the required degree of language proficiency. Use the identical phrases to explain your language expertise in your resume (supplied your expertise are on that degree).

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The best way to accurately assess your degree of language fluency? 

If you happen to don’t know your precise language expertise ranges, don’t guess. Both you’ll overestimate your skills (which may result in many uncomfortable conditions sooner or later) otherwise you’ll underestimate your self (which can sabotage your effort to point out your self in the very best mild in your resume). 

What are your choices then? 

  1. Receive an official language certificates. This typically takes a variety of work and preparation however it may be price it. It offers you a approach to again your claims about your language expertise ranges and may make a stronger impression on the employer. However, generally it’s merely an overkill. What’s extra, it will probably get fairly costly, particularly should you converse a number of languages and need to acquire an official certificates for every.
  2. Self-assess your language talent degree. Generally, self-assessment ought to suffice, so long as you don’t attempt overestimate your skills and comply with official pointers to grade your self. 

The official IRL website affords self evaluation PDFs for speaking, reading, and listening.

The Council of Europe website gives official CEFR self evaluation charts in most European languages. 

The ACTFL web site enables you to obtain the whole textual content of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. It’s from 2012 however this stuff solely get up to date ever 10 years. If you happen to’re searching for a much less exhaustive model, this downloadable poster ought to offer you all the data you want.

Language skills resume example

The best way to put bilingual on a resume?

What does it imply to be bilingual? By probably the most fundamental definition, a bilingual particular person is somebody who speaks two languages. 

However in an effort to be thought of bilingual, you’re often anticipated to converse each languages rather well along with having error-free grammar and ideal pronunciation. Most individuals are in a position to obtain such degree of language proficiency solely by being born into linguistically blended households or receiving formal schooling overseas. 

Don’t be afraid to explain your language expertise as close to native.

However there are additionally individuals who have been learning a second language for many years. Their command of language typically surpasses that of many born audio system. What about them?

If that’s your case, don’t be afraid to explain your language talent as “close to native“. You received’t be mendacity and it’ll assist you to get via varied applicant monitoring techniques.

However don’t simply point out it within the language expertise subsection of your resume. The aggressive benefit of being bilingual is so massive that you could be need to point out it proper at first of your resume — in your resume summary (or resume goal) part. 


Christy’s phrase of recommendation

The commonest internationally-understood format is to checklist the language and total proficiency degree. For instance: German (native), English (fluent). Typically, I like to recommend writing the extent in phrases quite than a selected scale (e.g. B1 is understood in Europe, however not within the US). Relating to graphs or icons, ATS can battle to interpret these, and a few graphs will be perceived negatively, so normally it’s higher to make use of a typical format.

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Skilled

Examples of language expertise on resume

As they are saying, one instance is usually price a thousand explanations! Due to that, let me offer you a few examples you should utilize as an inspiration for the language expertise part by yourself resume. 

ILR language expertise resume instance 1

  • American English — Degree 4+ (ILR)
  • Chilean Spanish — Degree 3+ (ILR)
  • Russian — Degree 3 (ILR)
  • Ukrainian — Degree 5 (ILR)

ILR language expertise resume instance 2 / LinkedIn language expertise

  • English — Full Skilled Proficiency (ILR 4+)
  • French — Native (ILR 5)

ACTFL language expertise resume instance

  • American English — Distinguished (ACTFL) 
  • Spanish — Full Skilled Proficiency (ACTFL)
  • Japanese — Superior Excessive (ACTFL)

CEFR language expertise resume instance

  • English — C2
  • German — B2
  • Czech — Native

(Opposite to the earlier ones, within the final instance we didn’t specify the language framework in parentheses. CEFR is so prevalent in Europe that you simply hardly ever have to try this.)


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